Cynthia Usui is the Author of Eight things Full-time Housewives Should do Before Entering the Workforce . After 17 years as a stay-at-home mom, Cynthia successfully re-launched her career and quickly rose to the managerial ranks. She now coaches housewives who want to return to the workforce, how to follow in her footsteps. Cynthia shares many tips and much wisdom from her amazing journey "from Mother to Management". Other highlights from our conversation:
- The work-life balance should be measured from a long-term perspective
- Why it was easier for her to re-invent her career with a non-Japanese hotel
- 3 metrics to evaluate housewives when re-entering the workforce
- On using a SWOT analysis for her students before job interviews
- The success of her government sponsored tourism coaching programs
- What she would do if she were in charge of the 30% "Women in Leadership" mandate
- Why Japanese hospitality needs more personalization
- Career mapping for the 100-year-life and goal setting in 2021 and beyond
- How she quickly progressed from part-timer to management in 7 years
- Why can't the achievements and experiences of rasing a child be included on a resume?
- Favorite Japanese phrase (Read the Air)
Cynthia Usui: Cynthia Usui LinkedIn
Her book: 8 things Full-time Housewives Should do Before Entering the Workforce
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