Corporate Japan Episodes

June 6, 2021

Parissa Haghirian: Japanese Management Expert

Parissa Haghirian is an internationally renowned expert on Japanese Management and Leadership and a Professor of International Management at Sofia University. She is the author of 12 books on Japanese Management, Cross-Cultu...

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May 25, 2021

Paul Kraft: Gummy Bear President Japan

Everything you ever wanted to know about the grocery & convenience store business in Japan with Haribo Japan President, Paul Craft. He is an expert on Japan's packaged consumer goods market. Paul started his Japan career 13 ...

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March 6, 2021

Dr. Greg Story: Japan Sales, Business, Presentations Master & Author

Learn how to become a confident public speaker, a more effective presenter, and the formula for influential story-telling. Dr. Greg Story is the president of Dale Carnegie Japan and the best-selling author of "Japan Sales Ma...

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Sept. 27, 2020

Mike Howard: Life after publishing "The Salaryman"

It has been seven months since we first met on this podcast to promote his just published book "The Salaryman". Since then, there have been a lot of changes in Mike's life - many good, some negative, and one huge life alterin...

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May 7, 2020

Andrew Silberman: Leadership Expert and Chief Enthusiast

This episode I share craft beers with Andrew Silberman, Chief Enthusiast of the Advanced Management Training Group and author of the book "Get a G.R.I.P." The Global Readiness Improvement Plan. With nearly 30 years of corpora...

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Feb. 26, 2020

Rochelle Kopp: Japan Inter-Cultural & Communications Expert

Rochelle Kopp is one of the sharpest Japan inter-culturally minded people I've ever met. She is a Japanese business culture expert and cross-cultural communications specialist and is the founder and Managing Principal of Japa...

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