Author Episodes

Nov. 23, 2021

Karen Hill Anton: Author, The View from Breast Pocket Mountain

This episode we are treated to a wonderful conversation with an amazing woman who continues to have a fascinating life. Karen Hill Anton discusses her memoir "The View from Breast Pocket Mountain". Published in late 2020 the...

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July 24, 2021

Robert Whiting: "Tokyo Junkie" 60 Years of Bright Lights, Back Alleys…

I have been a big fan of Robert Whiting ever since I read "Chrysanthemum and the Bat" back in high school in the 1980's. Numerous, critically acclaimed books later, I sit down with Bob to discuss his latest book, a memoir, "T...

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March 6, 2021

Dr. Greg Story: Japan Sales, Business, Presentations Master & Author

Learn how to become a confident public speaker, a more effective presenter, and the formula for influential story-telling. Dr. Greg Story is the president of Dale Carnegie Japan and the best-selling author of "Japan Sales Ma...

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Oct. 21, 2020

Cynthia Usui: Author, Career Re-Inventor, and Female Empowerment Coach

Cynthia Usui is the Author of Eight things Full-time Housewives Should do Before Entering the Workforce . After 17 years as a stay-at-home mom, Cynthia successfully re-launched her career and quickly rose to the managerial ra...

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Sept. 27, 2020

Mike Howard: Life after publishing "The Salaryman"

It has been seven months since we first met on this podcast to promote his just published book "The Salaryman". Since then, there have been a lot of changes in Mike's life - many good, some negative, and one huge life alterin...

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May 7, 2020

Andrew Silberman: Leadership Expert and Chief Enthusiast

This episode I share craft beers with Andrew Silberman, Chief Enthusiast of the Advanced Management Training Group and author of the book "Get a G.R.I.P." The Global Readiness Improvement Plan. With nearly 30 years of corpora...

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April 21, 2020

Brett Bull: Scandalous News Reporter

Get the low-down on all things subculture in Japan with Mr. Brett Bull. Brett is the founder of Tokyo Reporter, an English language website focused on salacious and scandalous news from Japan. It's not all cherry blossoms and...

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Feb. 26, 2020

Rochelle Kopp: Japan Inter-Cultural & Communications Expert

Rochelle Kopp is one of the sharpest Japan inter-culturally minded people I've ever met. She is a Japanese business culture expert and cross-cultural communications specialist and is the founder and Managing Principal of Japa...

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Feb. 7, 2020

Michael Howard: "The Salaryman" Author

Michael Howard is the author of the "The Salaryman". A humorous, manga-illustrated memoir from an American who tried and failed (?) to fit into Japanese office culture for almost a decade. We discuss some of the back stories...

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Jan. 6, 2020

David Sweet: Japan Entrepreneur & Sales Superstar

This episode I share IPA's with Dr. David Sweet. David is 20-year Japan resident, a sales superstar, best selling author, serial entrepreneur, certified business coach, and one of the best recruiters I know in Japan. We are...

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